公司简介 深圳市创伟电子科技有限公司主营:数据线、手机配件、移动电源 ?、耳机 ?汽车配件、电脑配件的研发和销售 Shenzhen UCABLE Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is specialized in developments and sales of data cables, cell phone accessories, Portable battery、Headphones、automobile accessories and computer accessories. ? 我们用心服务?We serve with heart and soul 公司具有的技术工程及品质管理人员,设备齐全,生产能力强,可按照客户的需求,为客户提供产品设计方案井生产**实用的产品 Our company has senior technical engineers and quality management personnel, complete equipments and strong production capacity. According to customer needs, we provide product design programs and production of low-cost practical products. ? 温馨提示?Warm?and?Sweet?Reminders 产品标价仅供参考,详情请咨询我们! The price of the pr..